Who We Are

at•el•ier (noun) a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.

We are Jeremy and Morgan, residents of good ol’ Lindale, TX. We love this area and have loved raising our children here. We have a heart for our community and all that it is and all that it CAN BE.
Imagine with us a collective studio for every artist in East Texas, a meeting space, workshops, a space to gather for every celebration...engagement parties, bridal shower, baby, birthday...

We are humbly proud to give to you the Atelier. For well over a decade, our community has continued to support my photography business, and because of that ...Jeremy and I are now in place to open the Atelier to serve ALL creatives in East Texas AND to finally have the perfect spot in Lindale to celebrate and host all of life's events.

We’re so glad you’re here to watch it all unfold with us. Coming oh so soon!